Accueil $ Web agency $ Shortkut provides a free website to young entrepreneur

Shortkut provides a free website to young entrepreneur

Web agency

Montreal Shortkut is delighted to announce the winner of its summer contest: Saint-Lambert-de-Lauzon massage therapist Joanie Vachon has won a customized website, valued at $2,388^, to help propel her business forward.

Joanie Vachon’s inspiring career path combines boldness, determination and authenticity. After years of teaching, she decided to earn a diploma in massage therapy and, this year, to leave everything behind to devote herself to her own business and passion.

‘I wish to offer a space-time where it is possible and encouraged to breathe, relax and lighten up from physical or socio-emotional discomforts through massage therapy or alternative medicine’

Joanie Vachon, Massothérapie Joanie V.

Already acknowledged for her attentive approach, she is described by her customers as a gifted and talented professional.

If shortkut is the favorite web agency of small and medium-sized entreprises (SMEs), it is because we understand the challenges that new entrepreneurs face in the digital age. This contest aimed at providing a determined entrepreneur with the opportunity to start their business on a solid digital foundation, and we have achieved just that!

Learn more

Joanie Vachon’s winning website is the fruit of our professional’s expertise, designed to meet the latest trends in SEO, design and user experience. We are proud to accompany her every step of the way to ensure that her website perfectly reflects her vision and her company’s values.

‘We firmly believe in the potential of Quebec’s SMEs. With this contest, we aimed to support a new entrepreneur in succeeding online, and we are delighted to assist Joanie in achieving her dreams’- Manuel Thouin, CEO of Shortkut.

On the road to success, Quebec businesses can rely on Shortkut!

Contact us

Shortkut was founded in 2013 by a group of young entrepreneurs with a mission to provide visibility to Quebec SMEs. Today, our web agency proudly serves over 4000 satisfied clients.

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