Accueil $ Tips $ Why does your company need professional email addresses?

Why does your company need professional email addresses?


Here is a topic on which experts unanimously agree: communication is at the heart of all good human relationships! This holds true for your personal relationships, but it is also true for your professional relationships. Whether it is with your colleagues, partners, or clients, the way your company chooses to communicate is important and closely tied to your success! In this context, having a professional email address is a real asset. Let us explain why:


  1. It is good for your company’s credibility
  2. A professional email address will enhance your brand image
  3. It provides extra security for your company 
  4. Professional email addresses facilitate employee collaboration

It is good for your company’s credibility


Would you feel confident about paying your electricity bill if your provider sent it from an email address ‘’? Probably not, right? Well, your customers are just like you, they need to be reassured about the real existence and seriousness of your company! A professional email address will boost your credibility with your customers and partners. It shows that you are serious and well established. In short, you know what you are doing, and you do it well!

A professional email address strengthens your brand image.


Using an email address that includes your domain name is an excellent way to reinforce your brand image! Your email address not only allows your customers and partners to identify you quickly, but it also enables them to associate all of your collaborators with your company.

Communication becomes more straightforward, and your company gains recognition. It is simple, efficient, and, in the end, cost-effective. So, if your company is called “Shortkut” (just an example), and your website’s URL is, you can opt for a professional email address like!

It is an additional security measure for your company


Did you know that in recent years, cases of cyberattacks have surged? Small and medium-sized businesses, often ill-prepared for those attacks, are among the first victims! Choosing a professional solution for your email addresses, like Google Workspace, is undoubtedly one of the simplest methods to defend yourself. It allows you to benefit from additional security features, such as two-factor authentication and message encryption. This way your company communications remain safe from cyberattacks!

Professional email addresses facilitate employee collaboration!


In a company, it is important for your employees and collaborators to communication effectively. With Google Workspace, you can provide them with email addresses following the same model. It is a quick way to identify colleagues that streamlines communication and exchanges with your company.

Do you want to equip your company with professional email addresses? Our web experts are ready to assist you in your endeavour! Contact us to learn more.

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