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Our tips for optimizing your web recruitment process!


If you are currently looking for qualified professionals to join your teams, you have probably noticed that recruiting has become a real challenge for many Quebec-based companies in 2023. So, how can you stand out? How can you attract the best candidates? Well, that is where your online presence can help! Discover some of our best tips for turning your website into a valuable recruitment tool in 2023.


  1. Create a career section on your website
  2. Emphasize your social networks
  3. Be accessible
  4. Be creative to stand out

Create a career section on your website or even a dedicated career site.


In 2023, the majority of candidates will visit the company’s website before even applying for a job. Creating a dedicated career section on your website is an excellent idea, as it allows you to better control your image as an employer. Additionally, it is the perfect opportunity to provide potential collaborators with a positive first experience!

This career section should include:

  • An introduction to the company, discussing your activities as well as your values as an employer.
  • Job openings with comprehensive but concise descriptions 
  • An introduction to your teams, potentially including a team photo gallery, which adds a human dimension to your company and helps potential candidates envision themselves as part of your workforce. You can also provide an organizational chart.
  • Instructions on how to apply for a job.
  • A contact form for submitting spontaneous applications.

The key is to make the most of this dedicated web recruitment space to present your company in the best light. Show yourself as professional, welcoming, dynamic and modern.

Emphasize your social media

Whether you plan to recruit in 2023 or not, make sure your company has a strong and active presence on social media! It is a valuable tool for enhancing your company’s reputation and web visibility, and you cannot afford to overlook it. Your social media can be invaluable for your web recruitment projects, provided you approach them in the right way:

  • Regularly publish relevant content to make sure that algorithms identify your posts as relevant and boost their visibility.
  • Highlight your employees’ work in your posts
  • Occasionally share photos of enjoyable company moments
  • Showcase your company’s values and commitments (environment, human rights, employee well-being, etc.).
  • Whenever a job opening arises in your company, promote your job listings on your social media.

Be accessible

To succeed in your web recruitment and hire the qualified professionals you need to grow your business, you must be accessible and available online!

Potential candidates should be able to easily access your website:

  • Ensure the performance of your website, including its loading speed.
  • Provide a website optimized for display on tablets and smartphones.

They should also be able to quickly find your company on social media:

  • Publish regularly
  • Display your job listings in a detailed but clear manner
  • Highlight your values and commitments.
  • Cultivate your employer brand

The important thing is that potential candidates can quickly identify your needs. They should be able to picture themselves in your company and quickly understand whether or not your company might interest them.

Be creative to stand out

All means are good to stand out as an employer of choice! As long as you remain professional and consistent, do not hesitate to be creative to stand out. For example, you can focus on high-quality design, humorous writing or unique benefits.

Need help creating a career section or a career site? Feel free to contact us. Our web design experts are at your service!

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